Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day One - Thursday, March 27th

Today, when Mrs Dada found a family of three struggling to find the Dental Clinic, I offered to walk with them to show the way. I know that I helped because they were very grateful and thanked me.


Cindy said...

Hey Cheyenne...
I like your blog, it looks very nice.
I think that what you did today was very helpful to those people.
Well...Keep up the good work!!

Jess said...

I think you would probably do more then one helpful thing a day, you just don't notice it!!
Well keep up the great blogging! Will keep checking your blog,

Raeesa said...

A fantastic start Cheyenne! Keep it up!
Mrs D.

Cindy said...

This happened to me the other day too. There was a woman and a child here and they looked so distraught that I led them to the dental nurse. It always feels good to help someone like that.

Lea said...

Hello Cheyenna,

Great page. It must ahve taken you ages to do all of this. Well done on yuor first act of kindness. That was very nice of yuo to do that. So once again keep up the awesome work.

From Lea

Lucy said...
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Lucy said...

Hey Cheyenne

I am certain that the people who were unsure of where to go felt a lot better when you helped them out! Well done.

Ayat said...

hi Cheyenne

keep up the good work

from AYAT